Cant Continue Main Mission Arkham Knight

This page contains walkthrough info on the Assault on Panessa Studios, where Batman must return to the studio to stop Harley Quinn.

When you reach the Clock Tower to analyze the Batwing's finding, you'll be interrupted by an Assault on Panessa Studios. Somehow, Harley Quinn has gained access to the building and Robin is going to need some help fending her off.


Assault on Panessa Studios Video Guide

Head to the studio to find a group of thugs outside the main entrance, including 2 armed enemies. Use the Disruptor to take out their weapons and drop in to fight. Upon trying to gain entry, it seems that Harley has changed the voice activation command to mimic her own. Luckily you'll be able to use the Arkham Knight's voice changer into a new gadget - The Voice Synthesizer - to mimic Harley's voice. You'll need to match her pitch and wave modulation. Keep changing the voice until the three bars on the left side of the screen read approximately .90, .50, and 1.00 to match her voice.

As you unlock the door, armed guards will come out and you'll have to do a new predator challenge. With the arrival of a flying transport, there are now 11 armed thugs patrolling the large length of the studio rooftops, including a Minigunner, and two already active turrets guarding the entrance. There are several more turret boxes lying around the map, which you can sabotage with the Disruptor if you have the upgrade. Otherwise, leave those guarding the door for last, and head to the far side to being picking off thugs. You can make use of the Voice Synthesizer here to direct guards into potential traps or ambushes, like inspecting a generator you can hack with the Remote Hacking Device, or a loose wall you can explode from the other side with Explosive Gel. They'll start to get wise after a few of these, so make them count - and either save the Minigunner for last or lure him into an exploding trap.

Return to the 3 guards camped out in front of the door. and use the voice synthesizer to lure one into either having them pick up a turret that you would have sabotaged with the disruptor or a similar ambush area away from the turrets. The other two guards will then start walking around so pick them off and then blind one of the turrets to destroy them both safely.

Assault on Panessa Studios Video Guide

Head down the elevator (if the elevator isn't reaching its destination, try looking around a bit) and you'll come upon a thug with a riot shielding guarding the entrance to the quarantine cells where Robin is fending off a horde of thugs. Use a cape stun and jump on top of the shield-bearing enemy to beat him (you can take out other shield enemies later using the disarm and destroy upgrade). and then use the Voice Synthesizer to open the door and assist Robin. Take out the brute early with a Dual Takedown and then the others will be slim pickings. After speaking ot Robin, be sure to grab the Freeze Blast grenades near the cell on the left if you missed them earlier.


Capturing Christina Bell

With Robin at your back, head into the studios and make for Stage B to get Christina Bell. Go through the main hall past the other side of the large statue, where you'll find a door blocked by thugs on the other side. Bust down the door with Robin and take out the 7 thugs and move on. Some of these guys now wield knives, which you can either dodge or perform a blade dodge takedown if you got the upgrade.

Venturing further into Stage B. A Minigunner will block your path through a narrow hall, but there are gargoyles above. Normally taking down a Minigunner would be a pain, but if you can sneak up behind him, Robin will come in for an assist to take him down pain-free.

As you enter the haunted house set, You'll have to do another predator challenge here and there are 6 initial enemies with 4 as reinforcements. In addition to being able to perform Dual Takedowns on gunners, you'll also have 3 times to summon your partner to jump down from a vantage point and instantly take out an enemy (doing so will swap partners and change their places - with one always on a vantage point.) Robin might not be able to perform Fear Multi-takedowns, but he can still use his gadgets like his staff shield to deflect and attack with. Save the minigunner for last and swoop down and beat him down. Hide and wait for the other 4 to appear. There are 2 minigunners so sabotage an ammo crate and use the voice modifier to lure one of the minigunners to it. After taking out the 2 regular guards, swoop down and take out the last one. Then head into the room and get Christina. As you open the door she'll spring to attack Robin - be quick to counter or else he'll be sporting some nasty wounds.

Assault on Panessa Studios Video Guide

After she's captured, Robin will take her back to the quarantine cells as you decide which patient to track down next - Albert King, or Johnny Charisma. Both will taunt you into going to them first, so it's really up to you if you want to go to Stage A for Stage C first.

Capturing Albert King


To take out the Gotham Goliath, head into the main backstage area and look for a gate leading to Stage A. Look for a floor grate leading to the gate and hop in to sneak up on the thugs guarding the gate. The gate itself is blocking the floor grate, to give them some motivation to open the gate with the Voice Synthesizer, then hop up to perform a Fear Multi-takedown on everyone, then finish up whoever is left.

Continue down the path to Stage A and open the gate to find an... interesting flashback. When the sequence is over, Robin will meet up with you to take down King. When taking on Albert King, note that he'll be impervious head on, even with a cape stun or Special Takedown. Instead, focus on fighting the other thugs to build up your meter to a Dual Takedown, and target King. You'll need to do this several times, but don't worry about running out of thugs - King will literally pick up any thugs you've KO'd and shove them back into the fight. As you perform the last few Dual Takedowns, you'll have to do some tag-team beatdowns while dodging his attacks, similar to how you'd take out a Minigunner.

Once King is down for the count, Robin will take him back to the cells. As you leave, Alfred will suggest you pick a new Batmobile upgrade, letting you choose from whatever you didn't pick last time, and the Weapon Generator MK 4.

Capturing Johnny Charisma

From the main backstage area, head towards Stage C, but be cautious as you approach the long corridor. A Minigunner waits behind the locked gate, ready to mow you down. Instead look along the ceiling to a grate, and climb up and around the Minigunner to a wall next to him, and spray it with Explosive Gel. Make sure you lure him in front with the Voice Synthesizer before detonating it in his face, then continue on to your next little trippy sequence.

Go into the room with Robin and the door will be locked with a mechanical keypad at the far end. Look over the surveillance footage to see the password, only to have him block your view after the first number, 0. Luckily, he's standing next to a mirror, so zoom in on it to find the other keystrokes (Reminder: the mirror has flipped the numbers!) revealing the code to be 0539.

As you enter the stage - alone - you'll be forced to stand on a rotating platform while Charisma puts on a singing performance for you. Robin will come out of a grate from the top, and as Robin, you'll have to move him behind the many bombs Charisma has placed around the stage. Keep to a crouch and only move when Charisma's back is to you. Once you get behind a bomb, you can disarm it from the other side so he can't see you. Go slowly clockwise around the stage to disarm each bomb in turn. The only one that you can't hide behind is the middle bomb so make sure the searchlight isn't on you, and you give yourself time to dart out and disarm it. When they are all disarmed, sneak up behind Charisma and take him out. Unfortunately, Harley is now trying to get back into the quarantine cells

Dealing with Harley


Assault on Panessa Studios Video Guide

Head back down to the entrance ahead of Robin to find the gate sealed, and guarded by thugs. Once again, find a floor grate out of sight and travel up near them, and use the Voice Synthesizer to persuade a guard to open the gate. This time, Harley has wizened up, forcing a change of plans. Robin will appear to taunt Harley, causing her to open the gate. When she starts circling Robin, wait for her to get near the grate in the middle to take her out, then defeat the other thugs.

When everyone is out cold, pick up Harley and Robin will pick up the last patient, and re-enter the quarantine cells. As you deposit them, some revelations will be made, and the culprit for the break-in will be revealed.

After the sequence, Robin has a very serious request for Batman. Follow his wishes and do as he says, and watch what happens. If nothing else seems to be happening, look around until a final flashback sequence appears, leading you back to the moments before you accepted Robin's request. This time, press the counter button instead to make the hard choice. At this point, you can choose to break some bad news to Robin by talking to him - the choice is yours.

When you are ready, it's time to restart the hunt for The Cloudburst.

In your absence, the Arkham Knight has mobilized more tanks and aerial drones to patrol the three islands. In addition, there are even more watchtowers, mines, and roadblocks to take out on all three islands. You can also finish the search for Manbat, and other side quests that have since been opened up.

Up Next: The Cloudburst

In This Wiki Guide

Batman: Arkham Knight -- Robin: Flip a Coin


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