Make Up Some Funny Excuse for Not Doing Your Homework

Funny Excuses for Not Doing Homework

forgot to bring

Teacher:  Hey, Alex! Where is your homework?

Alex:  Tutor, I finished work but forgot to bring it.

*scolding starts to rain for the poor Alex*

If you are also thinking of such excuses for not doing homework, then kindly STOP! Such reasons use to work wonders back in your parent's time. The 21st-century problems now require more creative & humorous excuses to prevent the teacher's wrath.

Just when you are planning the things you will do in the evening, the games you will play, the friends you will meet, the favorite TV show you will watch. Suddenly, the teacher pops the bubble by assigning a 'never-ending' homework writing task. Now, you have two choices- either do the work or skip it. If you wish to choose the latter option, then here are the most funny excuses for not doing homework.

NOTE:  High doses of laughter guaranteed!

Funny Homework Excuses You Haven't Heard Before!

1. I Went to Visit My Uncle in Prison

WAIT WAIT…There's a catch here! The uncle you visited last evening is a teacher assaulter, and therefore, serving a sentence.

Visit My Uncle in Prison

This is one of the best excuses for not doing homework, which will not only save you from the scolding but might also make you his favorite student. Obviously, no teachers would ever want to get assaulted by a prisoner.

2. My Calculator Is Solar Powered & It was Cloudy Yesterday

BWAHAHAHA!!! Sadly, this one applies to the subjects having calculation part only.

Calculator Is Solar Powered

Also, when asked that you could have used the 'Calculator' app on your smartphone/laptop, you can defend yourself by saying that your phone/laptop isn't working from the past one week.

3. My Dog Peed on My Homework

Dogs are human's best friend, and a friend in need is a friend indeed. Here we bring you one of the good funny excuses for not doing homework:

Dog Peed on My Homework

"While I was completing the homework, my mother called me for dinner. My dog, 'Bruno,' was sitting in my room. As I returned, I saw that the homework paper was all wet. Lately, I got to know that it was Bruno who peed on my hard work."

4. My Father Mistakenly Put It in the Office Bag & Left for Work

Dads are always in a hurry, and this makes it a full-proof yet one of the funny excuses for not doing homework.

Office Bag

"I was having my breakfast while my homework was kept on the drawing table. My father, who was getting late to the office, took my homework thinking to be his file papers and left for the office."

5. What? Did You Ask Us to Bring the Homework Too?

"Tutor, I did all the questions, as you said in my rough notebook. I thought you had asked us to practice them. I didn't know that we have to bring the work to school too. Sorry, teacher! I will bring it tomorrow." *Sincere Mode ON*

Bring the Homework Too

This excuse is evergreen and works fine even in the 21st century as well.

6. Soap Went Into My Eyes & I Couldn't See All Day

Here is again one of the most funny homework excuses that will surely tickle your bones. It is a good habit to wash your face daily, but this good habit can restrict you from completing the homework. Here's how:

Soap Went Into My Eyes

 "As told by you, I was washing my face after attending school. But sadly, soap water got into my eyes, and I couldn't see for the whole day. Due to this, I couldn't do my homework."

7. My Younger Brother Ripped It Apart

Do you have a younger sibling? If not, then produce them imaginary as it is the only way your teacher might not scold you. Toddlers are always mischievous when they are around stationery items. They will draw on walls, tear books, write on paper, etc. So, here is your plot:

Brother Ripped It

"Professor, I finished the work timely, but my younger sister ripped it apart. Please, give me another chance."

8. My Mom Suffered a Nervous Breakdown & She Made Paper Boats of My Homework

"God knows why she behaved like this. I was very frightened. My father is out of town. In fact, I was not coming to school today, but my grandma forced me to attend. Had I not come to school, my mother would have torn all my books."

Mom Made Paper Boats

One of the best excuses for not doing homework, when performed perfectly, will do miracles for you. Thank us later!

9. There Was Electricity Cut Off. I Accidently Ignited My Homework to Reach to the Fuse Box

"Oh, God! Yesterday was such a bad day for me. We had a power cut at our house, and in order to reach the fuse box, I ignited my homework papers thinking to be the rough ones. Tutor, I swear that I worked really hard to do the homework."

Electricity Cut Off

Don't know whether the teacher will spare you or not. But, it is sure that he will die laughing. Let us now move on to the next excuse.

10. Teacher, I Think Someone Has Stolen My Work!

"I left my homework on your desk before you came, and now it is not here. I think someone has stolen my work, tutor. It took me great efforts to finish it."

Stolen My Work

Among all the good excuses for not doing homework, this one is widely used by the 21st-century students.

11. My Cat Ate My Homework

Your cat will never forgive you for using this excuse, but all is well that ends well.

Cat Ate My Homework

"My angry cat jumped on my study table and ate the papers. She is very mischievous. Can I submit my work tomorrow?"

12. I Never Believed in Magic Until I Saw the Ink Disappearing!

"You will be shocked to know that the ink started disappearing as soon as I finished my work. Is my house haunted?"

Saw the Ink Disappearing

If you manage to hit the right chords of the teacher's mind, then you can get yourself an extra day for finishing the homework.

13. My Fingers Are Paining. I Think It Is the Hairline Fracture.

For this excuse, you will require a first-aid box. Dress the cotton and wrap the cloth on your finger. To make it look real, use some antiseptic solution too.

Fingers Are Paining

"My fingers came between the doors. It was paining badly, so I skipped doing the homework."

14. Wind Blew Away My Homework

"I was writing my homework while sitting in the balcony. Suddenly, strong winds started blowing, and it suddenly slipped from my hands. I even ran after it."

Wind Blew Away My Homework

CAUTION:  Make sure that your class teacher doesn't reside near your locality.

15. My Dad Used It As a Tissue Paper During Urgency

YUCK & FUNNY at the same time. But, students think of everything that can save their valuable grades.

Tissue Paper

"My dad was suffering from Diarrhea, and in case of urgency, he quickly took my homework papers, thinking that they are rough ones."

This brings us to the end of the write-up. Reading so far, you must have known one of the most funny excuses for not doing homework. You can use them & save yourself from the teacher's wrath.

However, in case you don't feel to use them and are thinking of other ways to safeguard your grades, then consider seeking homework writing service from Instant Assignment Help.

Who Can Write My Homework? Here's the Answer

Instant Assignment Help, the No.1 homework writing help website, is the perfect destination to reduce the academic workload from your shoulder. Rated 4.9/5, the brand has delivered 100,000+ projects across various academic disciplines. The website shelters highly skilled & experienced online homework writers, researchers, editors, proofreaders, and quality analysts. Below are some of the guarantees offered by the website:

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So, what are you waiting for? Quickly reach the CPM homework help writers of Instant Assignment Help & take home an impeccable piece of paper in no time.


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