How to Delete Whatsapp Group Without Anyone Knowing

Preliminary information

Prima di entrare nel vivo di questo tutorial and spiegarti nel dettaglio how to delete whatsapp group, let me give you some preliminary information in this regard.

First, you need to know that only users with the administrator role can permanently delete a group chat on the famous messaging service. Unlike what many believe, however, it is not enough to leave the group to permanently delete it: in this case, if the creator or administrator of the group decides to leave, the chat will remain active and, if no others have been manually named administrators, the role will be randomly assigned to another participant.

How to do, therefore, for delete a WhatsApp group for everyone? All that needs to be done is to manually remove all participants and then leave the group. By doing so, the option will be available Delete group which allows you to delete the group and all related data without leaving any trace.

If, on the other hand, your intention is simply to leave a WhatsApp group and delete it from the list of your chats, you can follow the instructions you find in my guide on how to leave a group on WhatsApp.

How to delete WhatsApp group as administrator

After the necessary initial premise, you are ready for delete a WhatsApp group as an administrator. As mentioned in the previous lines, you will first have to remove all the other participants (there is no function that allows you to do this automatically) and then leave and delete the group in question. Find everything explained in detail right below.

How to delete WhatsApp group on Android

delete a WhatsApp group on Android, grab your device, launch the app in question and select the tab Chat. Now, access the group you want to delete, tap its name displayed at the top and, in the new screen that appears, locate the section [number] of participants.

At this point you have to manually remove all users in the group. To do this, click on name of each participant, select the option Remove [name] e fai tap sul pulsating OK, to confirm your intention.

After removing all users in the group, select the options Leave group e Abandon, to leave the group: if everything went well, you should see the message You are no longer part of this group and the option to permanently delete the group. Then press the button Delete group, make sure there is a check mark next to the option Delete media in this chat and tap on the item Delete, to permanently delete the group in question.

The deleted group will still be visible on the smartphones of the other participants in the discussion, however none of them will be able to post new messages as they are no longer subscribed to the chat.

How to delete WhatsApp group on iPhone

How did you say? Vorresti delete a WhatsApp group on iPhone? Again, the procedure is quite simple and only takes a few minutes.

To proceed, start WhatsApp on your iPhone, press on the item Chat located in the menu below and access the group of your interest. Then press on group name in question and, in the screenshot Group info, locate the section [number] of participants.

At this point, tap on name participant and select options Remove from group e Remove, to delete the user in question from the group. Then repeat the procedure for all the other participants.

Once this is done, always acting on the screen Group info, fai tap sull'opzione Leave group twice in a row, to leave the group too. At this point you should see the option Delete group: press, then, on the option in question, tap on the item Delete group from the menu that appears and that's it.

How to delete WhatsApp group from computer

If you are wondering how to delete a created WhatsApp group and you intend to proceed from computer, you should know that the procedure is identical both using the WhatsApp client for Windows and macOS and proceeding from WhatsApp Web, the browser version of the popular instant messaging service.

In both cases, after making the "connection" with the smartphone on which you use WhatsApp, click on group of your interest, visible in the sidebar on the left, and press on his name, to access the screen Group info.

Now, in the section [number] of participants, click on sull'icona della freccia rivolta verse il basso placed next to the name of each user enrolled in the group and select the option Remove from the menu that opens. Then press the button Remove, to remove the selected user from the group, and repeat the procedure for all other participants.

After that, select the options Leave group e OK, to exit the group, and click on the button Delete group appeared on the screen. Finally, click on the button Delete, to confirm your intention and permanently delete the group.

How to delete WhatsApp group messages

You would like to know how to delete whatsapp group messages? Nothing could be simpler: all you have to do is access the group chat of your interest, make a long tap on the message to be deleted and choose the option to delete it.

Before showing you the details how to do it, however, you must know that it is possible to delete your messages as long as they have not been sent for more than 1 hour (68 minutes and 16 seconds, to be precise). In this case, the message will be deleted for all group participants who, instead of the original message, will see the writing This messaggio รจ stato eliminato.

If, on the other hand, your intention is to delete another user's message, you can do so but this operation has no effect on the chats of the other participants, who will continue to view the message in question. Also, please note that it is not possible to delete a message from another user for all participants in the group even if you are the chat administrator.

Having clarified this, to delete a message sent to a WhatsApp group, start the app in question, select the option Chat and access the group of your interest. Now, if you have a device Android, do a long tap on the message of your interest, select any other messages to delete by pressing on them, and tap on the icon basket (up). Then choose one of the options available from Delete for me, to delete the message in your chat only, and Delete for all, to remove the message for all participants.

If you have one iPhoneinstead, do a long tap on the message you submitted and want to delete and select the option Delete from the menu that opens. Now, put the check mark next to all Message you want to delete, click on the icon basket, at the bottom left, and select the option of your interest among Delete for me ed Delete for all.

You prefer to proceed from computer? In this case, whether you are using the WhatsApp client for Windows and macOS or WhatsApp Web, the procedure for deleting a sent message is identical.

To do this, access the group of your interest, locate the message you want to delete and press on the relative icon of the freccia rivolta verse il basso. Then click on the item Delete message and, in the new screen displayed, choose the option of your interest among Delete for me ed Delete for all.

The procedures I have just indicated to you to delete a message sent on a WhatsApp group are also valid for deleting messages sent by other users. I remind you, however, that the message will be deleted only for you and not for the other participants. To find out more, I leave you to my guide on how to delete a WhatsApp message.

How to delete WhatsApp group without logging out

If you want delete a WhatsApp group without logging out, I'm sorry to tell you that there is no such option. However, if the group in question is not particularly active, you can choose to archive it.

In fact, this option allows you to remove a single or group chat from the section Chat of your WhatsApp account, as well as if you had abandoned it but without letting the other participants know that you are no longer active. You should know, however, that archived chats are automatically restored every time a new message is posted by the other participants.

That said, if you think this is a viable solution for unsubscribe from a WhatsApp group without letting them know, launch WhatsApp on your device and select the option Chat. Now if you have a device Android, do a long tap on the group of your interest and press the icon of freccia rivolta verse il basso pop-up at the top right, to archive it.

In case you want to display the group again in the section Chat of WhatsApp, tap on the item Archived at the bottom of the screen, long tap the group you previously archived and press the icon of freccia rivolta verse l'alto, to restore the group in question.

If you have one iPhone, locate the group of your interest, swipe to the left on his name e premi sull'opzione Archive. To view all archived chats, swipe down on the screen Chat and press on the item Archived chats. In the new screen that appears, swipe left on the group of your interest and press the button Extract, to restore the group.

From computerinstead, pause with the mouse pointer on the group name, click on sull'icona della freccia rivolta verse il basso e seleziona l'opzione Archive chat from the menu that opens. If you have second thoughts, click on the icon freccia rivolta verse il basso, located near the photo associated with your WhatsApp account, and select the option Archived, to view all the chats you have archived.

At this point, click on the icon of freccia rivolta verse il basso related to the group of your interest and choose the item Estrai chat dall'archivio, to view the group in question in the section Chat of WhatsApp.

If the group you intend to leave without letting the other participants know is particularly active (and therefore the Archive function has no effect), you can mute the group in question. By doing so, you will not receive any notification of new messages but the group will still be visible on the screen Chat of your WhatsApp account. To learn more, you can take a look at my guide on how to mute a group on WhatsApp.

How to Delete Whatsapp Group Without Anyone Knowing


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